Checkmate with the Chess Mates
The Chess Club is a Highland Park High School organization that allows students to come together to the play the game chess, a game of skill and wits. This game is skill based in which you try and take all of the opponents pieces, specifically the king. The chess club meets on wednesdays after school. It allows for students to hone their skills and socialize with other players. “The weekly meetings are generally fun, we do service projects, and we also have a fundraiser coming up on Feb. 11,, and our goal is to place and win in tournaments,” says the sponsor of the chess club, Mr. Krasnoff. “We usually play chess, sometimes discuss upcoming opportunities, over the summer we play at klyde Warren park to interact with the community and people, we also go to tournaments. State is coming up,” says the president of the chess club. If you love to play chess and want to learn to become a great player, you should join the chess club.